+267 75 305 964 info@sensobaby.co.bw

baby massage neo raphotoBaby Massage is a fantastic way to stimulate your baby’s development and promote bonding. This is why we are thrilled to be starting off our ‘Cuppa Support’ sessions with Neo Miraj Raphoto, (CNMT) who will be chatting to parents about the benefits of baby and toddler massage and offering some tips on how to get started.

We asked her why she’s so passionate about the work she does.

“I’m super passionate about health and wellness! Most especially as it relates to healing and personal development. Babies, as we know, are so pure, their energy is very receptive and responsive. Promoting and advocating baby massage is very relevant to me because I believe that calm, balanced infants have the potential to develop into well-adjusted toddlers. This, inadvertently, makes a happy home.”

Can you practice massage on toddlers as well?

“Massage can be practiced on toddlers as well and this is where it becomes more fun! Mostly for them. There is something telling about children and massage, for some reason they find it funny. They always seem to laugh during massage. Don’t get frustrated, it’s an opportunity to get silly with them. After all, the ticklish laughter is ignited by the nervous system and we’ll talk more about that. The earlier we incorporate massage as a home healing modality, the more a toddler will become sensitised towards healing touch.”

Why do you think parents should learn about massage?

“If you’ve ever had a massage and thought ‘wow, that was an awesome session’, the chances are the therapist feels the same way. Transference of energy is experienced during massage. As you move along in your home massage journey with your baby, you will soon realise that it is as calming for you as it was for your baby. It is a humbling way of connecting with your child on a deep level. Learning more about why it’s necessary, and how to approach baby massage, will be a game changer in your parenting degrees!”


If you would like to meet Neo and find out more about Baby and Toddler Massage, come along to one of our taster sessions.

Each session, includes tea/coffee, cake and conversation.